The educated Tanguero

Essential Tango Knowledge

by Richard Stoll
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German Tango “Schlager”

During the second Tangomania one of the capitals of Tango was Berlin [1]. Original Argentinean Orchestras played here and also German Orchestras tried to copy the popular Tango music. People were crazy and asked for more. A tango was even … Continue reading

by Richard Stoll
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Tango in Poland

Following the Tangomania between 1910 and 1930 in Germany, England and France, other countries joined in as well, and Tango music became popular. One of these countries was Poland, where Tangos have been played in Polish language. The whole story … Continue reading

by Richard Stoll
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Tango in Russia

Tango, both the dance and the Music, has been exported to Europe as a new product very early during the tangomania periods in the first two decades of the 20iest century. Soon after, Tangos have been played by European orchestras … Continue reading