The educated Tanguero

Essential Tango Knowledge

Gotan Project

OK, as a DJ I have to buy Tango CDs and being in Buenos Aires usually is a good opportunity to do so. One of the CDs I have brought with me last time was “Tango 3.0” from Gotan Project.
You do not know Gotan Project ? You are either no Tanguero or really focused on traditional Tango.
Gotan Project actually was the band that invented Tango 2.0, the modern and new Tango for the 21st century. Gotan is a “vesre” word play in Lunfardo, exchanging the syllables for TanGo [1]. The Project is a tribute to the well known album “Tango Project” from 1982 [1]. This is the official Web page of Gotan Project:
Founder of the band was Eduardo Makaroff [2], a musician, songwriter and producer, who moved from Buenos Aires to Paris, the “second capital of Tango music” to develop Tango music [1]. There he met Christoph H. Müller and Philippe Cohen Solal. Their first album “La Revancha del Tango” was released in 2001, in 2004 another album was released (“Inspiracion Espiracion”) and a third one in 2006 (“Lunatico”). “Tango 3.0” is the last Tango production from 2010.
Philippe Cohen Solal plays keyboards and guitar, Eduardo Makaroff plays guitars and Christoph H. Müller plays bass and keyboards. For their productions they usually invite other musicians among them world class musicians like Gustavo Beytelmann (piano), Nini Flores (bandoneon) and Christina Villalonga (vocals).
Interestingly, some of their songs appear in movies, like “Shall we dance” with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez (“Santa Maria del buen Ayre”). Some songs are also used in TV commercials.
The main importance of Gotan Project is their pole position in the development of modern Electrotango.

Here are some examples.

Here some examples related to dancing (starting with the sequence from “Shall we dance”)



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