The educated Tanguero

Essential Tango Knowledge

Listening to Tango Music

Hi all,
whenever I listen to a Tango song, I hear some new details I have never before noticed. Tango music can be simple or extremely sophisticated, so I have always been in search of a good structured method to approach this problem of actively listening and analyzing a Tango. Yesterday I found this very interesting article of Michael Lavocah on TodoTango (my favorite Tango Website): “Listening to Tango Music – A beginners guide”.

Michael gives us an easy and structured way to approach a Tango. He structures the listening into 4 different elements: beat, rhythm, melody and lyrics. With his readily comprehensible descriptions of these elements together with his outstanding expertise and well picked examples, he really made me feel like a beginner, but not in a negative way. I felt more like being taken by the hand (or the ear) and being placed on the right track. So this article may be highly recommended for educated Tangueros !
I actually recommend to read the original article and listen carefully to the examples.–A-beginners-guide/


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