The educated Tanguero

Essential Tango Knowledge

Sexteto Milonguero

OK, I have worked through the stack of new CDs from Buenos Aires, so today I have to talk about something else. Fortunately, I had a discussion with a fellow tanguero from Germany last week and he asked me to listen to a song from Sexteto Milonguero, which directly inspired me to this post. Without a CD, I have completely to rely on Internet footage, which fortunately is no problem for this orchestra.
Many people say, it is difficult to dance to contemporary orchestras, because they do not focus on the needs of dancers. Apart from some notorious Piazzolla sound-alikes, I do not agree. Sexteto Milonguero actually plays for dancers which makes their music very interesting.
The orchestra was founded in 2006 [1]. The orchestra consists of 2 violins played by Marisol Canessa and Gustavo Garay, Bandoneon (Mauricio Jost), Piano (Juan Rivero), Bass played by Christian Sepulveda and Javier di Ciriaco as singer. Javier was a member of the Jorge Arduh Orquesta Tipica from 1999 to 2003. Marisol Canessa has played with Orquestra Escuela de Tango. These are just some examples to prove, that here are real professionals playing.
Their first CD arrived in 2007 “Pa´que bailen” and a second CD “7” in 2010. The last CD was published in 2013 “Doble o Nada”.

Here are some examples:

Here you can watch a whole concert:

And finally some dance videos:


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