The educated Tanguero

Essential Tango Knowledge

Juan Carlos Caceres

Caceres was born in 1936 in Buenos Aires and started his musical career as a Jazz trombonist. In the 60ies he moved to Paris and developed to a well recognized pianist, vocalist and songwriter with a broad spectrum of musical expertise on tango, milonga, candombe and murga.

Juan Carlos Caceres: Utopia (2007)

I just bought his albums “Utopia” and “Tango Negro”. Some songs are suitable for dancing, generally the music is very special. We all know, that tango and milonga have roots in African music, which materialize in the candombe (a predecessor of milonga played initially by afroamerican people with more focus on rhythm and usually a rhythm group playing). Caceres musically travels to these roots and plays real Candombes (f.e. “Macumambe”). Intrerestingly, his more “rough” voice can sound really sensual and sophisticated (Example: “Tengo miedo de olvidarme”). Tangos in his style even sound like Candombe (f.e. “Pantera Negra”). The first video shows story and background of his Album “Murga” from 2005 where he describes how he went back to these roots.

More important pieces are: “Tango negro” (Video 2) and “Toca Tango” (Video 3) which go really good as danceable Candombes. I have included some more videos for you to actually listen to Caceres, who is really at the roots of Tango.

Your Tango DJ,

-Ricardo (“El Aleman”)

Other life performances of Caceres:

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