The educated Tanguero

Essential Tango Knowledge

Esteban Morgado

Dear Tango Friends,

Esteban Morgado is a guitarist and composer, who has worked with all the big singers, musicians and actors of tango. He founded the Esteban Morgado Cuarteto in 1999 with Enrique Condomi (violin), Carlos corrales (bandoneon) and Horacio Hurtado (bass). The music of 8 CDs since then is dominated by guitar, but always connected to the tradition of Tango. More info on his webpage:

Here some music for you to listen, including my favourite song “Cinema Paradiso” a nice Milonga, which you may expect to dance to during the next milonga of Cairns Tango Club and his version of “Oblivion”.

Sincerely, your Tango DJ


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