The educated Tanguero

Essential Tango Knowledge


Featured Artist for June: Bajofondo with their new CD “Presente”

Bajofondo is an Argentine-Uruguayan electrotango project. Members are: Gustavo Santaolalla (guitar), Juan Campodonico (composer, producer, dj), Luciano Supervielle (piano, composer, dj), Martin Ferres (bandoneon), Javier Casalla (violin), Gabriel Casacuberta (bass), Veronica Loza (vocals). The group interprets tango from the perspective of modern music styles like house and hiphop. The style is called Electrotango as a part of Neotango.  The meaning of bajofondo is the lower end of the social scale and also an acronym for a dark and hidden place where tango is played.

The first CD was published in 2003 (Bajofondo Tango Club) which is (besides the music of Gotan Project) the most important CD in Neotango. Today we want to focus on the new 2013 CD “Presente”.

Presente is a compilation of different styles, mainly latinrock, disco and house music. Definitively not easy listening, but with a straight beat well suited to the dancefloor. The rhythm and the dynamics of the music challeng the keen milongero and inspires modern dance moves.

Enclosed two videos of songs I have picked up for a tanda:

and one more:


Your Tango DJ Ricardo (el Alemán).

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